Kickball Tournament

The Matdogs are looking to form a team for the 4th Annual Grant Schoen Kickstart the Heart kickball tournament. All are welcome to join, adults and kids. We will be in the non-competitive division, with 2-3 games to play, depending on how we do. The schedule will come out the week of the event. Please sign up, even if you can only play one game.

Click the link to register, our team name is Matdogs.
Enter the promo code: matdogs100 at the top of the ticket menu to have your fee waived.

Join us for a family fun day of food and activities that will celebrate the vibrant life of Grant Schoen and raise awareness for Sudden Cardiac Arrest and strive to become HeartSafe. The Kickball tournament begins at 9:00 am.

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October 14, 2017
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Webster Middle School
W75 N624 Wauwatosa Rd.
Cedarburg, WI 53012

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